Little Holiday Terror


“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” I love, love, LOVE the holiday time of year. I live all year excited for this season and then it gets here and I’m so stressed out of my mind. Why do we do this to ourselves Mamas?!

Certainly we have the holiday recitals, the adorable shows with one kid waving to their parents the entire time instead of singing the song the poor teacher has worked for 6 weeks trying to get them to remember. And, we have the season wrap-ups of our fall sports (where we think we will get a reprieve but it just ends up in us running to every banquet and end of season pizza party).

Then the little demon dressed in red comes to wreak havoc in the homes of so many well-intentioned parents. I want to throttle the inventor of that little elf. Okay, maybe not the inventor but whoever started this unwritten rule that the little thing has to make a mess every night. We are parents! We clean up messes made by little humans on the daily and now we are adding another little “mess maker” to our daily list of holiday obligations?! What the what?! Show of hands…who has climbed into bed, laid their head on the pillow and thought “that bleeping elf!”?

I tried really hard to resist having one in our house but KIDS TALK! And mine wanted to know why we didn’t have one visiting us. So now, we are one of those families. But can we agree to just tone it down a little Susan? Stop having it take marshmallow baths while spilling a container of flour on the floor while writing a secret message. I have enough spills in this house to clean up to begin with. And to the mom that had the amazing idea of giving it a broken leg so it can’t move for 6 weeks…you’re my hero.