Keep Your Cool, Pumpkin Spice is Almost Here


Is anyone else feeling overwhelmed by it already being “Back to School” time? I feel like I’m barely recovered from the spring dance performance that my girls were in and now soccer season is about to start?! WHAT?! I hope everyone has their EZ-ups and orange slices prepped because sports practice is upon us. And whereas we will see the cute Instagram pictures of moms in San Diego in their jeans and hoodies for practice in the evenings, here in the blessed desert we will still be shoving ice down our shirts and praying for a breeze that doesn’t make us feel like we are slow roasting. But take heart my fellow sports mamas! While our friends in Minnesota will be snow-blowing their driveways just to make it to the Friday night game in November, we will be sipping rosé, ahem, juice boxes with our windows down and our light sweaters as we meander down our clear, sunny 75 degree streets. This coming season may be the busiest of all for some of us. It’s also the reason we endure the months that we believe we have accidentally been transported to the sun. If you’re a pumpkin spice mama or a peppermint latte (I’m more of a white chocolate mocha myself!) our season is almost here. If we can just survive the school supply lists, the drop-off lines, the how-did-you-outgrow-these-I-just-bought-them-last-month school shoe shopping we can make it to the time that we all treasure. Hopefully, along the way we will pick up a new member or two to our tribe of moms to make this time even more enjoyable.