Transitioning Back to School


Heading back to school means a time of transition for many students after they’ve gotten used to a looser schedule and perhaps more tech use over the summer. If you haven’t started it already, it’s not too late to transition back to school behavior, schedule and routines. Ideally, while you’re getting your kids back on the bedtime routine, you might also want to consider shifting their tech use.

Here are some tips for setting a back to school routine:
• Create a technology routine by setting computer use to a certain time during the day – and maybe even use it to play some academic games to get back into the school mindset!
• If you used parental controls either through an app or your phone company, it’s time to put these back into place, especially for time restrictions at bedtime.
• Your technology needs to sleep and recharge while you do – laptops (including Chromebooks), tablets, and phones should be out of the bedroom. Plug all devices in at a central location (many families use the kitchen or a desk area in the living area).

This is also a good time to revisit Internet safety with your family:
• Make sure you know your child’s passwords. Did they get a new social media account over the summer? Make sure you have access.
• Check that screen names are appropriate and do not include specific details about their name, age, and location.
• If possible, turn off geotagging on photo apps.
• Go over safety protocols – i.e., don’t answer calls from numbers you don’t know. With the increase in scam phone calls, this is a good idea for everyone!
• Talk about what’s appropriate for comments, posts, photos, etc. for both emails and social media.

While purchasing your child’s back to school supplies, you might also want to consider the technology they will be carrying. Many schools now have a 1:1 program, which means that your child may be responsible for a Chromebook, iPad, tablet, or other devices. If you’re not sure what electronics, if any, will be assigned to your child, contact your child’s school and they can let you know! You may want to consider a backpack with a padded sleeve inside for a bit of protection. This is also a great time to talk to your child about how to properly care for their technology (no throwing the backpack on the ground or sitting on it with a device inside)! With a little preparation, this could be the best year ever!

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Cyndi Furr is a Technology Teacher on Special Assignment for Desert Sands Unified School District. With 22 years of teaching experience, Cyndi is responsible for working with K12 teacher and students on district technology implementations, including the rollout of GSuite for Education and Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship lessons. She also provides ongoing support to high school teachers on all current technologies in place in DSUSD.