Peace on Earth Begins with Birth


“Peace on Earth Begins with Birth”
Jeannine Pavarti Baker

Does this quote conjure up images of a birthing Goddess under the trees surrounded by woodland creatures and hippy midwives singing kumbaya? Well it’s not what I mean. For some parents this might be the ideal birth situation but someone else may believe that a scheduled cesarean on a particular day in a sterile operating room performed by a skilled surgeon is their ideal birth situation. This article isn’t about the right way to give birth nor the right way to parent. This article is about how we can change the world by how parents bringing their babies into the world are treated.

Most parents will agree that the birth of their children and the immediate days and months after were life transforming. It may have been a very positive transformation or it could have been a very negative one. Sometimes, an even traumatizing experience with long lasting implications. A traumatizing experience can be a huge precursor for postpartum depression, anxiety and even psychosis. Parental mental health issues can interfere with bonding leading to attachment issues and possibly failure to thrive. Babies that don’t begin in an optimal environment are more likely to grow into children and then adults with their own mental health ailments creating a vicious cycle of trauma infused families. This may sound dramatic but we are immersed in a culture that does not value this transformation into parenthood. Parents are leaving the hospital shell shocked and war torn with few resources and little support. Going home alone to navigate the first moments without adequate support or information. Parenting while feeling unsure, unqualified, and alone is not only not good for parents but not good for babies or family in general.

The research shows that when parents are educated about their options and given informed consent and treated with dignity and respect during the birth process they have better outcomes. This can even be obtained during the homebirth under the trees that turns into a hospital transfer and emergency cesarean. Or the scheduled cesarean where the mother goes into a precipitous labor days before the scheduled surgery and ends up giving birth unmedicated. Neither of these undesired birth experiences have to be a terrible circumstance that leads to post traumatic stress. If during the process they feel like they are part of the decision making and that their care providers truly had their best interests in mind even the undesired outcome can be empowering and positive. The empowering birth experience will spill over into the postpartum period creating a more secure family environment.

What is the answer to this state of birth affecting our families in long term ways? It’s us. Peace begins with us. Peace begins with us educating ourselves and advocating for ourselves and our babies. Peace begins with choosing a care provider for your pregnancy and birth who you feel safe with. Peace begins with taking classes, asking questions, following our intuition, and talking to friends. Peace begins with not making decisions out of fear. Peace begins with advocating for yourself, your partner and your child. Peace begins with choosing to give birth in the place with the people you feel the safest and most supported. Peace is asking for help. Peace is accepting help. Peace is finding your village. Peace is building your resource list. Peace is sharing your information and support with the other parents. Peace is leading by example. Peace is making a difference for another family by showing up and being their safe and supportive advocate.

Peace on earth can begin with birth.