Who Needs Sleep?


I heard a term recently – “Mombie.” Basically, a well-intentioned mama that has become a zombie because she’s going a million miles an hour making sure everyone gets to where they’re going, eats (we aim for healthy but sometimes we just need to throw a PB&J and juice box at them and call it good!), has their equipment, finishes their homework and still has (semi)clean clothes to wear the next day. Don’t even get me started on what a Mombie’s house looks like. I told my husband “It’s me or the house; only one of us can look good.” He got me a housecleaner. There are only so many hours in a day people!

The other day I saw another mom for the first time since the summer and her words to me were “Are you ok? You look tired.” Ya’ll…she has an infant. She has an infant and I look tired. Hahaha! It’s the mom-life that ages you. This week my kids have a dentist appointment, 2 dance classes, sports practice, swim lessons, another class, and something else…oh yeah! School.

We’ve become so consumed with FOMO (that’s Fear Of Missing Out. Look at me tossing around the new vocab!) that our kids, and thereby us, are so overscheduled that we as moms wear our lack of sleep at times as a badge of honor. How many of us have overheard (or participated in) the conversations of “Oh I’m so tired. I was up until 1am finishing the hand painted décor for Sammy’s birthday party in 3 weeks.” “Oh I know what you mean! It’s my turn to bring snacks for Kevin’s soccer team so I was at Wal-Mart at 10:30 last night getting the right sized organic raisins to make these soccer goalie snacks I saw on Pinterest.”? We need to cut this junk out. Delegate! Outsource! Say it with me! Sleep is a beautiful thing! Now think on that while I go order my groceries for pick-up.