Curfews: Making it Fun


Greetings parents and kids! Officer Friendly here with some helpful tips on keeping kids safe this Summer.

With summer vacation approaching, you may find your kids wanting to stay up late or be out later than usual. I want to provide a few tips that will encourage you and your family find the purpose and fun in a curfew.

Cities and Counties will normally have a curfew ordinance, so you will need to check the local ordinance for your city. These ordinances are in place to keep kids and teens safe during the nighttime hours when many violent crimes and drunk driving collisions occur. For instance, your city may have a curfew of 11:00 PM for anyone under 18 years old, not accompanied by an adult. There may also be a time limit for community park usage, which applies to everyone. When in doubt, check it out! Many cities have their ordinances posted on their website. You may also call your local Code Compliance Office for information.

You probably have your own curfew rules at home, and just because there are curfew rules in place, doesn’t mean kids can’t have fun. Family game, movie, camping in the backyard, and dinner nights are all possible alternatives to staying home at night. Going out as a family for bowling, miniature golf, movies and other activities are also fun and safe for everyone can enjoy. You might even set a family tradition you and your kids will remember the rest of your lives.

Let kids and teens know the reason why we have curfew rules. This will help them understand the reason they are there.

Have a safe and fun summer!

The Officer Friendly column is provided to Coachella Valley Kids by the Riverside Sheriff. This issue’s “Officer Friendly” is Stacey Austin, Community Service Officer, Palm Desert Police Crime Prevention.