Dr. Kinder Fayssoux: An Integrated Approach to Women’s Health


Dr. Kinder Fayssoux is a physician with a boutique practice focused on Women’s Health and Longevity. She is a family medicine physician who is also certified in Functional and Integrative Medicine. Her approach is to integrate lifestyle changes with bio identical hormonal balancing for effective results.

As a working mother of four, she takes a keen interest in helping moms, working and non-working, who struggle with the never ending demands, and sometimes overwhelm, of being a mom, a wife, and a daughter all at the same time. CV Kids sat down with Dr Fayssoux to learn about how moms can take the steps to living their best lives and feeling like themselves again.

[CV Kids] What inspired you to focus on Women’s Health?

[Dr. Fayssoux] A lot of it was my own experiences as a woman and a mom trying to also have a career. It’s a story initially that I had heard from my patients, but it became mine. In my late 30s things just started to change; I was feeling tired all the time, exercise didn’t seem to help with weight, I had belly fat all of a sudden, and I felt constantly irritable. I recognized that I had a lot on my plate and being a mother of four is a lot of responsibility. I also knew I’d had a lot on my plate and been a mother for the previous 8 years and had not felt this and so that couldn’t be the whole story. Because of my background I was already doing a lot of the things that I know make a difference like meditation, eating right, exercising, but I just couldn’t get on top of it.

When I started to recognize how my feeling this way was affecting me being the mother and the wife that I wanted to be, was when I finally reached out to my physician. Long story short, my labs did not show anything wrong per conventional guidelines and so I went back to just trying to do more lifestyle changes. I wasn’t convinced though, so I continued to learn and did a lot of my own research and reading into bio identical hormones and one thing led to another and I started to work with a physician that could treat me and slowly but surely I found myself feeling a little more like myself.

[CV Kids] How do women know that they might need bio identical hormone replacement?

[Dr. Fayssoux] First and foremost by assessing lifestyle (stress is a huge player in the way our body makes and utilizes hormones) and then, of course, with laboratory testing. It’s much more complicated than just looking at the basic sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. My practice is different in that I’m not only looking to balance these, but I also look at cortisol and vitamins and melatonin and DHEA and pregnenolone and thyroid labs. All of these hormones matter and need to work together. This is further complicated by the fact that each one of us is unique in our genetics which affects how we metabolize these hormones. Although generally safe, when prescribed inappropriately, hormones can have undesirable effects so it is very important that the approach to each patient is customized. We do additional testing to ensure patients are metabolizing their hormones as safely as possible.

[CV Kids] What is a lifestyle based change that moms can do today to feel better?

[Dr. Fayssoux] One of my favorite exercises with patients is to ask them to take a step back and look at what they do on a day-to-day basis as if they were looking in on the life of someone very dear to them- a friend or a sister. And then think of three things you would tell that person to change about their daily routine to make their life easier and less stressful.

[CV Kids] What kind of suggestions have people made to themselves?

[Dr. Fayssoux] Realizing that their kids are old enough to help out is a huge and common revelation. Another one is about simplifying kids schedules- limiting it to one evening activity per child or even taking a season off. Another one is setting aside “me time” and “date night.”

[CV Kids] How would I begin to explore if this kind of treatment is the right path for me? Do I book an initial consultation? What is my next step if I relate to all the things you wrote about?

[Dr. Fayssoux] You can book a free 10-minute consultation online at KinderFayssouxMD.com or call us at (760) 469-9900 to book.

Kinder Fayssoux, MD, Located inside East- West Medicine, 41750 Rancho Las Palmas Dr Suite P-1, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270.