Pedestrian Safety


Greetings parents and kids! Officer Friendly here with some helpful tips on keeping kid’s safe while walking around our desert.

With cooler weather approaching and with the increase of people/vehicles to the area, it is very important that you keep a sharp eye out while walking to and from school or around your neighborhoods. I want to provide a few tips that will help keep you safe while walking.

Whether you are walking to school, to the park, to the store, or to a friend’s house, please keep in mind the following:
• Always try to use sidewalks whenever possible and cross at crosswalks when available. If sidewalks are not available, walk facing traffic and as far to the left as possible. Because it may be difficult for drivers to see you, ALWAYS LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING!
• Unless it is an emergency, try not to use your phone or other electronic devices while walking. These things can be a distraction and prevent you from seeing approaching vehicles.
• Try not to walk during times of darkness but if you do, walk in well lit areas and carry a flashlight with you so passing vehicles can see you.
• Young children (10 or younger) should never walk alone. An adult or older child (16 or older) should accompany them to help ensure their safety.

Stay safe and get out there and enjoy the weather while it lasts – Officer Friendly!

The Officer Friendly column is provided to Coachella Valley Kids by the Riverside Sheriff. This issue’s “Officer Friendly” is Varon Potter, Deputy Sheriff, Motorcycle Enforcement Officer.