Water Safety


Greetings parents and kids! Officer Friendly here with some helpful tips on keeping kids safe this summer.

With summer approaching, many families will find themselves at the beach, public pools and private pools. Water safety is a very important topic that you want to consider this summer.

Here are some helpful tips to keep you and your loved ones safe this summer:

  • Constantly watch children who are in or near the water, and stay within reach. Don’t assume someone else is watching.
  • If you need to leave for any reason, designate someone else to watch the children or have them come out of the water for the time you are not able to watch them.
  • Keep rescue equipment easily accessible and emergency phone numbers handy (911 and child’s emergency contact person).
  • Create two or more barriers to pools and spas. Latch gates, lock doors, use alarms.
  • If you are at the beach, and there is no lifeguard, don’t go in the water.
  • Obey all beach warnings of high surf, riptide, etc. Let your kids know why the warnings are there and how dangerous it can be.
  • If you don’t know CPR and First Aid, consider taking classes. You might just save a life.
  • Remember, drownings are silent and they happen fast. They don’t just happen in the pool or ocean. They happen in bathtubs, and water buckets as well. Just a small amount of water can be deadly.

Check www.rivcowatersafety.org for more information on water safety.
Have a safe and fun summer – Officer Friendly!