Splish, Splash and Play


The biggest summer bummer is when your little nugget wants some outdoor playtime and the temps make it difficult. If you don’t have access to a pool or aren’t feeling like stuffing yourself into a swimsuit just to hang on to your doggie paddling, floatie wearing, splash monster, then here are a few at home ideas to suit everyone.

You cannot go wrong with a kiddie pool or an attachable sprinkler head made especially for little kiddos. 

Water tables are available to purchase but any old bin/tub will do (Bath tubs almost always seal the deal).  

Maybe you already have misters around your back patio that you can manipulate so your wee ones get some fresh sprinkles on them. 

Gather some water toys and get creative! Pick up some cheap spray bottles, a paint brush with bucket, and of course BUBBLES! If you hit up the store, there are endless squeaky bath toys and water toys to buy. If you search around your house, look for sponges, washcloths, measuring cups/spoons, sieves, cups of different sizes and shapes, bowls, ladles, funnels, etc. Other ideas to incorporate are adding food coloring, ice and/or scented oils to the water play area. This engages your little noodle through texture, scent and sight. Just don’t throw it all in there at the same time. Place a few items in, and as soon as you see your peanut getting bored, antsy or looking to change it up, add other items, colors or even soap! If your kiddo is not interested in tub play, fill up some squirt bottles and have at it with each other or hang up some old (never going to use again) sheets, place a few drops of food coloring in the bottles then spray some colorful magic on the sheets. Grab that bucket and clean paint brush and have Junior paint the (outdoor) walls and floors with water! 

Now here comes everything you already know but are still told over and over because unfortunately, tragedy still occurs: Always watch your child around water. Even if it’s just a few inches…that is all it takes. I suggest dumping water at the end of your play time and checking standing water periodically for mosquito larvae and other bugs. Regularly check squeaky toy holes for signs of mildew and mold (it grows quick). And seeing how the hot summer days are unforgiving, check the water temperature throughout play time, slather on sunblock, and make sure your little and you are wearing hats and appropriate sunwear. Happy splashing!