Bucket List


For kids, summer is synonymous with fun. Often, the last question they are asked by their well-meaning teachers is “Do you have any fun plans while you’re out of school?”

So how does a family (or us parents, many of whom still have work) prioritize which of the many Southern California summer activities to tackle? They get creative!

Pick Out of An-Actual-Bucket-List

Have each person in your family write ideas for excursions on slips of paper.  Each week (or two, or four) take a turn letting a different member pick an adventure from the lot.  Because every member gets to contribute with their ideas and with the choosing, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone to feel they’ve pitched in to the summer festivities. 

Timing’s Everything

Let’s say the ideas for your summer excursions range from “get Fro Yo” to “see a movie” to “beach day.” Have your littles help categorize the ideas based on the amount of time needed to do them (Bonus: kids get to work through some critical thinking and planning skills!).  Then, when your family hits a free moment, or needs redirection in the form of a change of scenery, you can pick an activity based on the amount of time you can dedicate.