Hello Spring?


Hello Spring! Hello Easter! Hello weather that can’t make up its mind! Is spring like this everywhere? I’ve lived in two states my entire life…Florida and California, so suffice to say I don’t have a lot of first hand “weather” experience. And not just California and Florida but “southern” California and Florida. Basically, I went from Miami to Palm Springs. Both places sort of have this “warm except for a few days in the winter” vibe going on. So, for those of you that have lived in places other than the surface of the sun (AKA our beautiful valley), is this what Spring is like? When I leave the house in the morning, I have to dress us all in pants and sweatshirts and by noon we want tanks and shorts! It’s like the weather is controlled by a toddler. “I want it to be cold! No! Hot! No, COLD!” Aaargh! I’m pretty sure the person who created the pants that unzip to become shorts must’ve lived nearby us because who else would have such a brilliant idea?! The inside of my van looks like the floor of a dressing room at Ross…random clothes and shoes thrown everywhere and you have to wade through them to get to where you need to be. My children dress like it’s July then think a jacket thrown on will cover all their bases. I roll my eyes at the getups they come up with but in reality, I’m a little jealous that I can’t get away with striped shorts, a printed t-shirt, floral blazer, and flip-flops. Maybe I’ll just try it out this next week. I’m pretty sure anyone who sees me hauling a newborn with the other two won’t say a word. Heck, maybe they’ll take pity on me and buy me a coffee. 🙂 Happy Spring!