Toddlers STEM Too


Early Childhood, birth to 5 years, is the most crucial part in brain development. Now is the optimal time to introduce scientific inquiry. Integrating STEM concepts into your child’s play routine will benefit your kiddo in the long run. Your little nugget will learn through active exploration and they have a natural drive to observe, interact and discover…also known as play. *wink*

The chances are pretty great that you and your wee one have already engaged in various STEM concepts on a daily basis. Have you been to the playground? Talked about washing hands? Built with blocks? Cared for a pet? If so, you are on the right track. Want to be a little more engaging with your STEM activities? Here are a few topics you can explore together with Junior: shadows, mirror play, building, bubbles, ramps, water/ice play, the five senses and good old nature!

These don’t necessarily have to be introduced one by one. Mix it up!

For Science: Go outside, take some bubbles, talk about their shadows, the rainbows that appear within the bubble, your senses you’re using to observe the bubbles. I love getting a plastic tub and filling it with ice cubes or a huge block of ice. Use spray bottles or pipettes to squirt different temperatures of water all over the ice. Use food coloring to keep it interesting. Touch it, smell it, hear it…taste it? You get the idea. The possibilities are all around us and we don’t even have to spend a dime on them. There is enough in your home to create such scenarios with your little one.

For Engineering: Don’t have blocks to build with? Use found objects to build and provide an opportunity for creativity. Trial and Error is something we continually will learn well into adulthood, so let your wee one make mistakes and learn from them without your constant opinion and assistance.

For Mathematics: Count, count and count everything from ants on the ground to pairs of socks, to Cheerios eaten to freckles on your nose.

Technology is a bit controversial at this time in their lives. It is around and always will be as they grow up. Just be mindful of how much screen time they have. Also, make sure their ability to use technology is concentrated on learning games/activities and the basics of using a phone for emergencies.

See, STEM is much easier than I bet you anticipated for your toddling tadpole. Happy Learning!