Our Schools are Alive with the Sound of Music


Music is alive and well in Coachella Valley Schools! Every middle and high school in our area offers music classes of varying descriptions and our elementary offerings are increasing with each school year. Even if your student has already enrolled in their school and selected their classes, if they want to take a music class, the doors will be wide open. The key is to get in immediately and be patient as the back to school time is very hectic for the counselors on campus handling schedules.

Ideally, your student will choose to take a music class in middle school. This is the perfect time, particularly for instrumental instruction, as the classes meet every day. As adults we understand that to learn something new, repeated time on task is key and the middle school schedule allows this to happen with every school offering a beginning band. Our local middle schools also offer different levels of concert bands (a class you would take after beginning band) and some even have jazz bands or marching bands (though these are usually after school). Additionally, there are some choir classes and speciality offerings that are particular to specific schools so it’s important to check with your school’s counselor for a list of classes.

Our local high schools are very busy in the music world, with many traveling and performing extensively outside of the area. Our high school band students are already outside getting their marching band season performances ready- yes, even in this heat! We don’t even like to step out to the car at this time of year, while these students are learning designs on the field to impress and entertain you. Color guard members are twirling and tossing flags, rifles and sabres, while dancing and enhancing the music that you are listening to. All of our Coachella Valley high schools are out on the field before school starts so that they can be ready for their busy entertainment season full of competition, pep rallies, football games and concerts. If your student hasn’t already started in music before high school, they can still join in the excitement. Make an appointment to talk to your high school band director and they can discuss the options available at your school.

Music isn’t just about music. Yes, your student will learn how to read all those marks on the page and eventually make sounds past that endless rendition of “Hot Cross Buns” but your student is joining a world of fellowship, dedication, artistry and honor. The experiences our local school music programs provide are rich and often offer “once in a lifetime” events. Our schools have traveled to the backlot at Disneyland and recorded in their studio, they’ve performed at Carnegie Hall, Disney Concert Hall, Chicago Symphony Hall and of course, our wonderful McCallum Theatre. They’ve appeared on stage at Coachella, on PBS in an opera and even in a “One Direction” music video. In addition to all these uniquely American experiences, our local schools have traveled all over the world, performing in Australia, Asia, and throughout Europe, going on extraordinary adventures. Music truly is the universal language.

Encouraging your student to join in the music making is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. Now is the time and the earlier the better. I can go on about the brain research and abundance of studies that show the amazing effects of music that I am sure you have already heard of, but really, when you think about it, have you ever heard an adult say how upset they are that their parents made them take piano lessons when they sit down at that party to dazzle you? Music touches our soul in a way nothing else can. It is at the core of who we are as humans. Inspire your student to start today!

Photo by Bridget Miller