Make Ice Cream At Home


So being a desert mom, I am constantly looking for ways to keep my kids cool. Whether we are in the pool, at the Children’s Discovery Museum, movies, or other indoor activity, we try to limit the A/C use at home as much as possible and get the littles out and about. My FAVORITE thing to do to keep the kids cool (and entertained) is to make homemade ice cream using zip-top baggies! They love to participate and, of course, partake in the end product. It is a fun thing to do poolside too, especially if there are lots of kids to participate. Here is the recipe for bag ice cream so that you can your kids can make it too! Make sure that your kids are wearing mittens or something else to protect their hands from freezer burn, because it will get COLD!

Ingredients for Vanilla Ice Cream
• 1 cup heavy whipping cream
• 2 tablespoons sugar
• 1/8 teaspoon vanilla
• 5 cups crushed ice
• 3/4 cup rock salt or table salt
• 1 gallon sized zip top bag
• 1 quart sized zip top bag
Optional- 3 tablespoons chocolate chips
***PalmSpringsMom.Com tip- DON’T USE CHEAP BAGGIES. You want baggies that will actually stay sealed during this process, or you will have a mess! No one needs that.

1. In a quart-sized zip top bag, combine cream, sugar, vanilla and chocolate chips (if desired) and seal the bag tightly.
2 In a gallon-sized zip top bag, add crushed ice and rock salt.
3. Place the small bag with the cream into the larger bag with the ice and seal the larger bag.
4. Shake and squeeze for 10 minutes or until the contents has started to harden and turn into ice cream.
You can eat it right out of the bag or pour it into a bowl. Make sure to rinse the outside of the small bag in cold water to get the salt mixture off so it doesn’t get in your treat! Enjoy!!