Baby Led Weaning is Not a Fad


Have you heard the term “Baby Led Weaning?” It seems to be picking up in popularity in the mommy circles. A new fad it’s not. Baby Led Weaning could actually be called “the original way to feed our babies” or just “instinctual.” Think of before we had boxes of powdered rice or little jars of puréed and watered-down fruits, veggies and meat. How were humans introducing solid food to their babies? The baby simply ate what the rest of the family ate. The bites would be smaller and probably softer and the baby a little older than the common age of starting solids right now, which is as young as three to four months.

So, when is the right time to graduate your baby from just breast milk or formula to supplementing with table food? Look for these milestones instead of an age marker:
• Baby can sit up unassisted.
• Baby shows an interest in food (reaching for your food).
• Baby is able to make a pincher grasp to pick small things up with their pointer finger and thumb.

Once baby has reached these milestones you can bring their chair up to the dining table and start enjoying mealtime as a family. Offer soft pieces of whatever you are eating (without added salt).

Remember that according to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization, either breastmilk or formula should still be baby’s primary food source for first 12 months. Don’t worry if it seems like there is more mess than eating. Your baby’s fine motor skills are being developed while she learns to feed herself and she is learning social skills and benefitting from family togetherness.

Learn more about the benefits, why and how of Baby Led Weaning at